North Lexington Avenue

North Lexington Avenue (name)
Last Updated2017-02-26 22:08
Admin Level15
RankStreet / Major Landmark
Importance0.1 (estimated)
Centre Point49.381424,8.6304356
OSMway 27602070
Extra Tags
private (access)


Local name Type OSM Admin level Distance
North Lexington Avenue highway:residential way 27602070 15 0 details >
Neurott place:suburb node 1418337752 15 0 details >
Pfaffengrund place:suburb node 316755100 15 0 details >
Bruchhausen place:suburb node 1575891524 15 0 details >
Kirchheimer Hof place:isolated_dwelling node 2503839597 15 0 details >
Pleikartsförster Hof place:isolated_dwelling node 2003796811 15 0 details >
Kirchheim boundary:administrative relation 3283781 9 0 details >
Patrick-Henry-Village place:village way 95784329 15 0 details >
Heidelberg boundary:administrative relation 285864 6 0 details >
Regierungsbezirk Karlsruhe boundary:administrative relation 22027 5 0 details >
Baden-Württemberg place:state relation 62611 4 0 details >
69124 place:postcode relation 1186434 15 0 details >
Deutschland place:country relation 51477 2 ~3 m details >
de place:country_code 0

Parent Of


Barber Shop shop:closed:hairdresser node 1131189450 15 ~253 m details >


Chapel amenity:place_of_worship way 97708829 15 ~259 m details >


Library amenity:closed:library node 1131226924 15 ~174 m details >


The Village Grille amenity:fast_food node 1131197951 15 ~243 m details >


No Name amenity:parking way 97708824 15 ~193 m details >
No Name amenity:parking way 97716076 15 ~70 m details >