Am Kirschenwald

Am Kirschenwald (name)
Last Updated2017-02-26 22:06
Admin Level15
RankStreet / Major Landmark
Importance0.1 (estimated)
Centre Point50.4926309,8.723243
OSMway 26831612
Extra Tags


Local name Type OSM Admin level Distance
Am Kirschenwald highway:living_street way 26831612 15 0 details >
Neuhof place:isolated_dwelling node 292197360 15 0 details >
Birkenhof place:isolated_dwelling node 939108386 15 0 details >
Pohlheim place:town relation 418620 8 0 details >
Holzheim place:village node 38534177 15 0 details >
Landkreis Gießen boundary:administrative relation 62692 6 0 details >
Regierungsbezirk Gießen boundary:administrative relation 286618 5 0 details >
Hessen place:state relation 62650 4 0 details >
35415 place:postcode 0
35415 place:postcode relation 3353560 15 0 details >
Deutschland place:country relation 51477 2 ~2 m details >
de place:country_code 0

Parent Of

Building - the catering company building:yes way 259249317 15 ~75 m details >
No Name building:yes way 259249349 15 ~102 m details >
No Name building:yes way 299118367 15 ~51 m details >
No Name building:yes way 299123816 15 ~60 m details >


No Name highway:street_lamp node 2650728401 15 ~86 m details >
No Name highway:street_lamp node 2650728430 15 ~82 m details >
No Name highway:street_lamp node 2650728398 15 ~55 m details >
No Name highway:street_lamp node 2650728427 15 ~77 m details >
No Name highway:street_lamp node 2650728392 15 ~95 m details >
No Name highway:street_lamp node 2650728433 15 ~95 m details >
No Name highway:street_lamp node 3507449961 15 ~28 m details >
No Name highway:street_lamp node 3507449962 15 ~61 m details >
No Name highway:street_lamp node 3030543525 15 ~93 m details >
No Name highway:street_lamp node 2650728403 15 ~28 m details >
No Name highway:street_lamp node 2650728395 15 ~95 m details >


No Name leisure:playground way 202754100 15 ~38 m details >