
Gießen (name)
Gießen (name:de)
ギーセン (name:ja)
Giessa (name:la)
Гиссен (name:ru)
Гисен (name:sr)
Last Updated2017-02-26 21:17
Admin Level8
Importance0.35 (estimated)
Centre Point50.5862066,8.6742306
OSMrelation 418617
Extra Tags
Universitätsstadt (name:prefix)
town (place)
77733 (population)
Q3874 (wikidata)
de:Gießen (wikipedia)


Local name Type OSM Admin level Distance
Gießen boundary:administrative relation 418617 8 0 details >
Landkreis Gießen boundary:administrative relation 62692 6 0 details >
Regierungsbezirk Gießen boundary:administrative relation 286618 5 0 details >
Hessen place:state relation 62650 4 0 details >
Deutschland place:country relation 51477 2 ~2 m details >
de place:country_code 0

Linked Places

Gießen place:town node 25438345 15 0 details >

Parent Of


Bootsrutsche waterway:canal way 43722680 15 ~807 m details >
Bootsrutsche waterway:canal way 44972274 15 ~576 m details >


Bootsrutsche waterway:river way 50220192 15 ~2.7 km details >
Wieseck waterway:river way 105224193 15 ~481 m details >
Wieseck waterway:river way 29070662 15 ~482 m details >


Fohnbach waterway:stream way 273372451 15 ~2.5 km details >
Klingelbach waterway:stream way 40122264 15 ~2.7 km details >
Klingelbach waterway:stream way 26394638 15 ~2.7 km details >
Klingelbach waterway:stream way 40122263 15 ~2.3 km details >
Klingelbach waterway:stream way 194948300 15 ~1 km details >
Klingelbach waterway:stream way 194948301 15 ~2.2 km details >
Kropbach waterway:stream way 30742835 15 ~2.2 km details >
Kropbach waterway:stream way 273586407 15 ~2.5 km details >
Kropbach waterway:stream way 165015298 15 ~2.3 km details >
Kropbach waterway:stream way 30742833 15 ~2.2 km details >
Kropbach waterway:stream way 273372452 15 ~2.9 km details >
Lindbach waterway:stream way 56182609 15 ~6 km details >
Oberlache waterway:stream way 107251288 15 ~1.3 km details >
Oberlache waterway:stream way 171633479 15 ~1.8 km details >
Oberlache waterway:stream way 45174377 15 ~3 km details >
Oberlache waterway:stream way 107251285 15 ~2.9 km details >


Stadtwerke-Wehr waterway:weir way 43722681 15 ~810 m details >


Hangelstein natural:peak node 318941879 15 ~6.2 km details >


43 Dreispitz place:locality node 4242346690 15 ~3 km details >
45 place:locality node 1211217005 15 ~3.3 km details >
53 place:locality node 1211216989 15 ~4.9 km details >
Alter Pflanzgarten place:locality node 1211216951 15 ~4 km details >
An der Automeile place:locality node 776316989 15 ~2.9 km details >
Anneröder Siedlung place:locality node 776316998 15 ~2.3 km details >
Bergwald place:locality node 4239061607 15 ~6.1 km details >
Brand place:locality node 1211216943 15 ~2.7 km details >
Domäne Schiffenberg place:locality node 30845725 15 ~4.8 km details >
Dulles-Siedlung place:locality node 776317011 15 ~2 km details >
Eulenfeld place:locality node 1211216979 15 ~3.7 km details >
Eulenkopf place:locality node 776317019 15 ~2.7 km details >
Europaviertel place:locality node 776316972 15 ~4 km details >
Grund place:locality node 1211216995 15 ~3.2 km details >
Gummiinsel place:locality node 776317023 15 ~1.2 km details >
Hainchesboden place:locality node 938662318 15 ~3.2 km details >
Häuserseite place:locality node 4315067654 15 ~5.7 km details >
Hessenecke place:locality node 1211216985 15 ~3.5 km details >
Hohe Warte place:locality node 939106459 15 ~5.5 km details >
In der Hunsbach place:locality node 776317001 15 ~4.2 km details >
Klingelfluss place:locality node 1211216931 15 ~3.8 km details >
Kuhstall place:locality node 4145085228 15 ~2.3 km details >
Lindenberg place:locality node 1211216982 15 ~4.5 km details >
Marshall-Siedlung place:locality node 776317026 15 ~3 km details >
Nordstadt place:locality node 776317008 15 ~1.1 km details >
Oberhag place:locality node 938662326 15 ~4 km details >
Pendleton-Barracks place:locality node 776317018 15 ~2.2 km details >
Petersweiher place:locality node 38848593 15 ~5.3 km details >
Point of Schunk place:locality node 1368930452 15 ~1.7 km details >
Rabennest place:locality node 1211216941 15 ~4.4 km details >
Sandfeld place:locality node 776316985 15 ~1.7 km details >
Sauweide place:locality node 1211217007 15 ~4.1 km details >
Sauweide place:locality node 1211216972 15 ~4.5 km details >
Schinderskopfhege place:locality node 938662327 15 ~3.2 km details >
Schlangenzahl place:locality node 776317030 15 ~2.3 km details >
Schützenschlag place:locality node 1211216958 15 ~4.3 km details >
Strauch place:locality node 1211216969 15 ~2.9 km details >
Südviertel place:locality node 776316977 15 ~2 km details >
Unterer Hardthof place:locality node 776317015 15 ~1.8 km details >
Unterhag place:locality node 938662325 15 ~3.4 km details >
Weststadt place:locality node 776316994 15 ~1 km details >
Zollstockswäldchen place:locality node 938662322 15 ~3.7 km details >
Zügspäcker place:locality node 4145085746 15 ~3.5 km details >


No Name place:islet way 461768204 15 ~956 m details >
No Name place:islet way 279452667 15 ~1.7 km details >
No Name place:islet way 220721376 15 ~1.1 km details >
No Name place:islet way 39927053 15 ~575 m details >
No Name place:islet way 42749306 15 ~1.8 km details >
No Name place:islet way 220721374 15 ~1.2 km details >


Bestattungswald am Schiffenberg landuse:cemetery way 432467525 15 ~5.7 km details >


35394 place:postcode way 77053909 15 ~5.4 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 174795801 15 ~5.3 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 31917667 15 ~5.7 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 31917684 15 ~5.6 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 31017334 15 ~5.3 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737687 15 ~5.1 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737682 15 ~5.2 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 73502518 15 ~5.4 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 73502532 15 ~5.1 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 77053913 15 ~5.5 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 73502516 15 ~5.4 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 74207052 15 ~5.6 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 200616917 15 ~5 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 31917673 15 ~5.5 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 174795786 15 ~5.1 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 174795780 15 ~5.1 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 174795791 15 ~5.3 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 174795783 15 ~5.1 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 174795788 15 ~5.2 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 174795781 15 ~5.1 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 174795800 15 ~5.1 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 391100763 15 ~5.1 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 31917679 15 ~5.5 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 31917677 15 ~5.5 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 26126395 15 ~5 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 252908354 15 ~5.4 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 26126405 15 ~5.2 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 26126402 15 ~5.3 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 397642041 15 ~5.7 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 26126389 15 ~5.3 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 31917675 15 ~5.5 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 26126397 15 ~4.9 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 26126396 15 ~5.2 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 391100765 15 ~5.1 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737690 15 ~5.4 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737697 15 ~5.4 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737674 15 ~5.3 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737694 15 ~5.2 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737685 15 ~5.1 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737681 15 ~5.2 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737691 15 ~5.4 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38741150 15 ~5.2 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737679 15 ~5.2 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737676 15 ~5.3 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737686 15 ~5.1 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737688 15 ~5.2 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737698 15 ~5.6 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737695 15 ~5.1 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737692 15 ~5.1 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38741153 15 ~5 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38741151 15 ~5.2 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737684 15 ~5.1 km details >
35394 place:postcode way 38737683 15 ~5.1 km details >


Kleinlinden boundary:administrative way 390923022 9 ~2.7 km details >


Allendorf place:suburb node 768622142 15 ~5.1 km details >
Lützellinden place:suburb node 195968723 15 ~6.4 km details >
Rödgen place:suburb node 30832474 15 ~5.4 km details >
Wieseck place:suburb node 29827495 15 ~3.1 km details >


Badenburg place:isolated_dwelling node 611850333 15 ~4.9 km details >


11. Schneise highway:track way 35667726 15 ~5.2 km details >
13. Schneise highway:track way 198969310 15 ~5.7 km details >
5. Schneise highway:track way 25346548 15 ~3.6 km details >
6. Schneise highway:track way 26933395 15 ~4.2 km details >
Alter Steinbacher Weg highway:track way 28440424 15 ~5 km details >
Alter Steinbacher Weg highway:track way 71809376 15 ~3.3 km details >
Forstgartenweg highway:track way 38737671 15 ~3.8 km details >
Hasenkopfschneise highway:track way 105027159 15 ~4.5 km details >
Hasenkopfschneise highway:track way 25308262 15 ~4.4 km details >


A 45 highway:motorway way 333311470 15 ~8.5 km details >
A 45 highway:motorway way 16746653 15 ~8.4 km details >
A 45 highway:motorway way 333311469 15 ~8.4 km details >
Gießener Ring highway:motorway way 25634730 15 ~2.9 km details >
Gießener Ring highway:motorway way 27817132 15 ~3 km details >
Gießener Ring highway:motorway way 25634731 15 ~2.8 km details >
Gießener Ring highway:motorway way 24374529 15 ~3 km details >
Gießener Ring highway:motorway way 24374528 15 ~3 km details >
Gießener Ring highway:motorway way 24374530 15 ~3 km details >
Gießener Ring highway:motorway way 229671538 15 ~2.9 km details >
Gießener Ring highway:motorway way 125132845 15 ~2.9 km details >
Gießener Ring highway:motorway way 27817127 15 ~3 km details >
Gießener Ring highway:motorway way 27817148 15 ~2.9 km details >
Gießener Ring highway:motorway way 27817173 15 ~3 km details >
Gießener Ring highway:motorway way 266620049 15 ~3 km details >
Gießener Ring highway:motorway way 323468887 15 ~3 km details >


Alte Gießener Straße highway:residential way 27679673 15 ~5.8 km details >
Alte Gießener Straße highway:residential way 33931490 15 ~5.8 km details >
Baumgarten highway:residential way 26126400 15 ~5.2 km details >
Forsthausweg highway:residential way 26126398 15 ~5.1 km details >
Häuser Born highway:residential way 23721903 15 ~5.5 km details >
Hofacker highway:residential way 23721902 15 ~5.6 km details >
Klosterweg highway:residential way 26126403 15 ~5.1 km details >
Klosterweg highway:residential way 38737680 15 ~5.3 km details >
Lausköppel highway:residential way 174795771 15 ~5.2 km details >
Lausköppel highway:residential way 26126443 15 ~5.2 km details >
Nonnenweg highway:residential way 38737677 15 ~5 km details >
Petersweiher highway:residential way 26126404 15 ~5.4 km details >
Petersweiher highway:residential way 293224152 15 ~5 km details >
Petersweiher highway:residential way 251771445 15 ~5.4 km details >
Petersweiher highway:residential way 200616916 15 ~5 km details >
Sommerberg highway:residential way 23721901 15 ~5.5 km details >


B 457 highway:primary way 392437762 15 ~4.6 km details >
B 457 highway:primary way 84605852 15 ~5.3 km details >
B 457 highway:primary way 392437755 15 ~5.2 km details >


Bahnhofstraße highway:tertiary way 25126743 15 ~5.6 km details >
Bergstraße highway:tertiary way 16956076 15 ~8.5 km details >
Hofacker highway:tertiary way 25126729 15 ~5.4 km details >
Pohlheimer Straße highway:tertiary way 5398964 15 ~5.4 km details >
Pohlheimer Straße highway:tertiary way 163948531 15 ~5.4 km details >


Flugplatz highway:unclassified way 36911063 15 ~7.6 km details >
No Name highway:unclassified way 39107584 15 ~4.9 km details >
No Name highway:unclassified way 30772977 15 ~4.9 km details >
No Name highway:unclassified way 36911061 15 ~7.9 km details >
No Name highway:unclassified way 30665337 15 ~4.8 km details >
No Name highway:unclassified way 252908372 15 ~5 km details >
No Name highway:unclassified way 30665378 15 ~4.8 km details >
No Name highway:unclassified way 4525392 15 ~5.4 km details >


L 3131 highway:secondary way 252908347 15 ~5.4 km details >
L 3131 highway:secondary way 129951612 15 ~5.4 km details >
L 3131 highway:secondary way 5375063 15 ~5.6 km details >
Schiffenberger Weg highway:secondary way 223068710 15 ~3.1 km details >
Schiffenberger Weg highway:secondary way 252908349 15 ~5.3 km details >
Schiffenberger Weg highway:secondary way 124591481 15 ~2.9 km details >
Schiffenberger Weg highway:secondary way 266620050 15 ~2.9 km details >
Schiffenberger Weg highway:secondary way 229671542 15 ~2.8 km details >
Schiffenberger Weg highway:secondary way 323471965 15 ~3 km details >
Schiffenberger Weg highway:secondary way 223068709 15 ~3 km details >
Schiffenberger Weg highway:secondary way 258488753 15 ~5.3 km details >
Schiffenberger Weg highway:secondary way 85435062 15 ~5.2 km details >
Schiffenberger Weg highway:secondary way 83280405 15 ~5.4 km details >
Schiffenberger Weg highway:secondary way 229671544 15 ~2.9 km details >
Schiffenberger Weg highway:secondary way 85435046 15 ~3.2 km details >
Steinberger Weg highway:secondary way 39229680 15 ~2.7 km details >
Steinberger Weg highway:secondary way 39229681 15 ~2.7 km details >
Steinberger Weg highway:secondary way 77053915 15 ~2.6 km details >
Steinberger Weg highway:secondary way 107248577 15 ~4.7 km details >


Schiffenberg highway:platform way 217425990 15 ~4.8 km details >


Lausköppel highway:path way 26126394 15 ~5 km details >
Lausköppel highway:path way 73502511 15 ~5.1 km details >
Lausköppel highway:path way 73502521 15 ~5.2 km details >
Lausköppel highway:path way 174795774 15 ~5.1 km details >
MTB-Strecke highway:path way 304137242 15 ~4.6 km details >
MTB-Strecke highway:path way 39645824 15 ~4.4 km details >
MTB-Strecke highway:path way 287116640 15 ~4.6 km details >
MTB-Strecke highway:path way 304137241 15 ~4.4 km details >


Steinbacher Weg highway:service way 39333012 15 ~3 km details >
Steinbacher Weg highway:service way 459057299 15 ~3 km details >