B 43

B 43 (ref)
Last Updated2017-02-26 22:05
Admin Level15
RankStreet / Major Landmark
Importance0.1 (estimated)
Centre Point50.0522173,8.5614947
OSMway 152278735
Extra Tags
2 (lanes)
100 (maxspeed)
yes (oneway)
excellent (smoothness)
asphalt (surface)
yes (toll:N3)


Local name Type OSM Admin level Distance
B 43 highway:trunk way 152278735 15 0 details >
Schwanheim place:suburb node 2274148307 15 0 details >
Höchst place:suburb node 27580601 15 0 details >
Nied place:suburb node 446011944 15 0 details >
Flughafen boundary:administrative relation 3891373 9 0 details >
Frankfurt place:city node 27418664 15 0 details >
Darmstadt place:city node 240074718 15 0 details >
Frankfurt place:city relation 62400 6 0 details >
Regierungsbezirk Darmstadt boundary:administrative relation 286590 5 0 details >
Hessen place:state relation 62650 4 0 details >
60549 place:postcode relation 1188798 15 0 details >
Deutschland place:country relation 51477 2 ~2 m details >
de place:country_code 0

Parent Of


The Squaire Parking amenity:parking way 191990615 15 ~35 m details >


No Name highway:milestone node 3914391782 15 ~38 m details >


No Name highway:street_lamp node 4610691527 15 ~140 m details >


No Name man_made:street_cabinet node 4610653365 15 ~53 m details >
No Name man_made:street_cabinet node 4610663465 15 ~36 m details >
No Name man_made:street_cabinet node 4610653366 15 ~51 m details >